About us

Posters and Presentations

Over the past 2.5 years, the project as well as the different project results were presented at different occasions – seminars, expert group meetings, HEI events with internal but also external events.  A series of webinars on different topics were successfully arranged, attended by a broad variety of participants. Find here a small selection of presentations, further information can be found under video insights as well as in the news sections.


EAIR 43rd Annual Forum 2021, Humboldt University of Berlin, “Transformation Fast and Slow: Quality, Trust and Digitalisation in Higher Education” 

In this interactive session, representatives from three different Erasmus+ Forward Looking projects (BeyondScale, RE-ACT, THEI2.0) shared their experiences in working with the self-reflection tool – HEInnovate – to drive change in higher education institutions. 

The networking space session offered multiple opportunities for participants to interact with representatives from the three project teams using HEInnovate.


Poster BeyondScale

Poster THEI2.0

Poster RE-ACT


Country-specific webinars on ‚closing the gap‘

Festival Experimentation and sustainable Entrepreneurship, NHL Stenden,  March 2022
Global Schools  & Get up and Goals!, IPVC, January 2022
More about  BeyondScale webinars under  video insights  and under News


HEInnovate Expert Group meetings

January 2020, Brussels

April 2022 (online)

Selected presentations of the BeyondScale project

May 2021, Twente

June 2022, Final Conference of RE-ACT