
Global Schools & Get up and Goals!

We would like to invite you to the next webinar within the BeyondScale project, organised by IPVC – Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo.  You will hear about the concept of social innovation and social entrepreneurship, through the integration of Learning Service into a local ecosystem and the cross-cutting concept of Global Schools and Global Citizenship Education (GCE).

Date and time: January 14th, 2022, 15:00 CET

Click here to register


Keynote speaker: La Salete Coelho (more)

The webinar will furthermore focus on the need to have policy coherence on GCE as a pre-­condition to promote education as a driver for social innovation, considering the role of policy makers as crucial as the role of educators on higher educations. And in addition, how to integrate GCE in educational policies towards social entrepreneurship and at the technical level, how it can support teachers‘ motivation and professional training on social issues.

Learning Service will be presented as an educational approach that enhances students’ civic engagement, brings them closer to different social realities while allowing them to work in a real environment, fostering social innovation and social entrepreneurship. This will also be associated with the need to enhance and disseminate the knowledge of service-learning as an innovative teaching methodology in higher education, contributing to the dissemination of the Europe Observatory of Service Learning in Higher Education.