
EAIR – September 9, 15:00 – Save the date!

Join our networking space event this Friday at EAIR Forum 2021! In this interactive session, representatives from three different Erasmus+ Forward Looking projects (BeyondScale, RE-ACT, THEI2.0) will be sharing their experiences in working with the self-reflection tool  HEInnovate to drive change in higher education institutions.

Find more information in our EAIR posters!


The advantages of using this tool will be identified, along with areas where its usefulness can be improved further.
The networking space session offers multiple opportunities for participants to interact with representatives from the three project teams using HEInnovate. The session consists of three parts:
1. Introduction to self-reflection tools & HEInnovate: a quick starter
2. Experiences from three projects: Poster sessions
3. Panel discussion: what next?

Further information and the programme can be found here!