
The second capacity building seminar of the BeyondScale project „Teaching the Entrepreneurs of the Future“ took place on November 18, 2021 as a hybrid event, hosted by the Center for Entrepreneurship – NHL Stenden. Over 50 participants from all over Europe attended the event, with over 40 people attending online, and over 15 people being present at the location of the event in Leeuwarden.

Guiding questions of the seminar were as follows: The interest of students to start a business during or after their degree program is increasing. The question is how this ambition can be integrated into the education of the future. How do students, lecturers and entrepreneurs think the road to self-employment can best be paved? How do education providers and entrepreneurs effectively use the increasing opportunities? And what can entrepreneurship-focused education programmes in other European countries teach us?

Report and action plan

Conference proceedings



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