About us

Strengthening the links between education, research & business.

BeyondScale seeks to establish a community of practice of higher education institutions and policy makers to strengthen the organisational capacity of higher education institutions to play a stronger role in their surrounding economies.


BeyondScale utilises the HEInnovate self-assessment-platform to drive entrepreneurial and innovative change across a range of education and engagement activities in higher education institutions.

The project seeks to create a community of practice among the higher education institutions and their stakeholders thus promoting the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences and activities focussed on strengthening the links between education, research and business.


Higher education institutions from Austria, Bulgaria, Ireland, the Netherlands and Portugal are participating in BeyondScale. The multidisciplinary team of international experts working in the consortium will promote innovation in higher education at both practice and policy levels.


The project is divided into 5 Work Packages which will provide specific deliverables like User Stories, Guidelines, Transnational Reports, etc. The final results will be published in 2022.

BeyondScale has three objectives

Develop the entrepreneurial capacity of higher education institutions in a pan European community of practice.

Further development of the HEInnovate approach.

Document practices of organisational development and institutional change in light of using the HEInnovate and similar tools, and beyond as
a) learning models for higher education actors and policy makers, and
b) for the academic debate.

Other innovative activities in the field of higher education


HEInnovate is a self-assessment tool by the European Commission and the OECD for higher education institutions who wish to explore their innovative potential. HEInnovate diagnoses areas of strengths and weaknesses, opens up discussion and debate on the entrepreneurial/innovative nature of your institution and it allows you to compare and contrast evolution over time.


LMRO (Labour Market Relevance and Outcomes of Higher Education) deals with the topic of „Skills Development“ and thus with the question „Does the development of competences at universities match the requirements of the labour market? It is a joint initiative of the OECD and the European Commission.


Towards The project „Towards HEInnovate 2.0: From Assessment to Action2 (THEI2.0) will develop an increased and imporved version of the HEInnovate tool, developed by the European Commission and OECD, with the aim of offering the HEInnovate user a set of new features.


Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education at the Danube University Krems