The BeyondScale Mid-term Conference – „The Power of Peer-learning and Change Management during a Pandemic“ – was hosted virtually by the University of Ruse „Angel Kanchev“ and up to 60 interested participants joined the event.
The aim of the Conference was to create space for various higher education stakeholders to engage in fruitful discussions as Covid-19 has been posing several challenges for universities and intensified the pace of the institutional transformation. The intention was to share experiences about the role of change management in higher education from our partners and invited speakers, to facilitate peer learning and collect relevant practices. Besides, the audience had a chance to learn more about the future outlook of the BeyondScale project and the HE Innovate tool.
The conference proceedings include a summary of the presentations and the main takeaways from the discussions. The document is intended for all interested parties, especially for those who could not participate in the conference.