
The power of peer-learning and change management during a pandemic

BeyondScale – Mid-Term Conference!  

BeyondScale has the aim to develop the organisational capacity of Higher Education Institutions using the HEInnovate platform to facilitate peer learning and a pan-European community of practice.

Our mid-term conference aims to create space for various higher education stakeholders to engage in fruitful discussion. Covid-19 has posed several challenges for universities and intensified the pace of the institutional transformation. We want to share experiences about the role of change management in higher education from our partners and invited speakers, to facilitate peer-learning and collect relevant practices. Besides, the audience will have a chance to learn more about the future outlook of the BeyondScale project and the HEInnovate tool.

Hosted by: the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”
Date: 23rd of March 2021, 13:30 – 15:30 CET. 


Welcome speeches
  • Brigitte Ecker, WPZ Research, Austria
  • Barbara Hermans, The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
  • Ivana Radonova, Ministry of Education, Bulgaria
  • Ruaidhri Neavyn, HEA, Ireland

BeyondScale – the project
  • Brigitte Ecker, WPZ Research, Austria

Keynote speakers
  • Hristo Beloev, Diana Antonova, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”– “Ruse University activities in COVID-19 environment
  • Frank Ziegele, CHE Center for Higher Education – “Digital transformation & peer-learning
  • Karl-Heinz Leitner, Austrian Institute of Technology & University of Graz – “Transformation through strategic foresight
  • Zsuzsa Javorka, Technopolis Group – “HEInnovate future outlook

Q/A discussion

  • Bárbara Coelho Gabriel, University of Aveiro – “THEI 2.0
  • Susanna Boldrino, FH Campus Wien – “BeyondScale inbound perspective
  • Helen McGuirk, MTU – “BeyondScale outbound perspective
  • Ben Jongbloed, Andrea Kottmann, CHEPS – “The accompanying research of  BeyondScale

Q/A discussion

Future plans & closing